Hello Sponsors & Alumnis,
I am seeking sponsors in helping to donate for CSDR Class of 1984 - 30th Reunion Fundraiser Program.
The Fundraiser Program is to help covering on all the expenses such as Renting the Event rooms, supplies, decorations for all events, reception, balloons for a special honor in memory of classmates, program book, favors, scrapbooking on Class of 84 Posters, Photos Prints, awards and many more.
Instruction on how to donate: Click "Products" Link on the left column - Find "Donations", it shows $1 dollar and Quantity. For example, if you want to donate $5, put 5 in Quantity box x $1 = $5, if you want to donate $100, put 100 in Quantity box x $1 = $100.
If you donate $25 or more, would you like me to place your Personal or Business Ad in the 30th Reunion Program Book? If so, after donating, click "Contact Us" on the left column and write your comments in, I will add it on Sponsor Page and if its for a Business Ad, you can mail or email me your Business Ads and I will add it into the program book.
Thank you for supporting CSDR Class of 1984 - 30th Reunion and it's greatly appreciated!
CSDRly yours,
Lara Wall ~ Chairperson